Welcome to SuperNinTimeline!
This is a blog dedicated to the exploration of each and every Super Nintendo and Super Famicom game in chronological order. Very soon this blog will become a YouTube series much like the Chrontendo series which covers NES/Famicom games in chronological order. Much like Chrontendo, I will explore the history, gameplay, and significance of each game and give an honest review of each one. There are a total of 1767 Super Nintendo/Famicom games released in Japan, Europe, and the United States. According to my sources, Super Famicom games were produced from 1990 to 2000. That's 20 years worth of games! Even if I play and review 15 games a month, it will take me over 9 years! So let's hope I'm still doing this in 2024. In an effort to organize this mess, here are my guidelines and rules for each game review.
Rules and Guidelines
- US releases must be played on original hardware, the SNES and original cart, unless said game is beyond rare or unaffordable. For Japan and Europe exclusives, I will use emulation for reviews or original software when possible (Super Famicom games are hard to buy online without buying from Japan). When using emulation, an SNES usb controller will be used.
- When possible, boxes and manuals will be scanned and given a fair review.
- An exploration of the history and creation of each game will be presented without exceptions. I will give each game a fair shot, regardless of how painfully terrible it is.
- I will play each game until the very end, unless said game has no credit screen. If a game is painfully long, but most of the gameplay and elements have been seen, then ending abruptly will be acceptable.
- When a game is just too difficult to complete, only cheats for extra lives or continues will be used (no invincibility
- Translations will be played when my minimal Japanese knowledge fails me. If a translation has been ported to another console intact (no remakes), then said game will be reviewed (i.e. Final Fantasy V).
- When no translation is present, I will ask my friend who is fluent in Japanese very nicely to help me translate. I plan on becoming more fluent in Japanese, so far I can read hiragana and katakana, so many of the more kid-friendly super famicom games I will be able to read
- When a worldwide released game is reviewed, the US version will take priority unless there are significant differences between regions (i.e. Probotector vs. Contra).
- If a game is a PC or arcade port, the ports will receive significant attention. Ports will be obtained via MAME or steam or GOG.
Season 1
The first 15 games to be reviewed were released in Japan between November 1990 and April 1991.
They include many SNES favorites and a few Japanese only games. The first 15 games are as follows (Japan Only are marked in red):
F-Zero (November 1990)
Super Mario World (November 1990)
Bombuzal/Ka-Blooey (US) (December 1990)
ActRaiser (December 1990)
Populous (December 1990)
Final Fight (December 1990)
Gradius III (December 1990)
Pilotwings (December 1990)
SD The Great Battle (December 1990)
Jumbo Ozaki no Hole in One/HAL's Hole in One Golf (US) (February 1991)
Jaleco Rally - Big Run: The Supreme 4WD Challenge (March 1991)
Darius Twin (March 1991)
Harukanaru Augusta (April 1991)
Ultraman (April 1991)
SimCity (April 1991)
This season has a very diverse set of games coming from the PC and arcade realms. Here is the genre breakdown:
Super Mario World
SD The Great Battle
Jaleco Rally- Big Run: The Supreme 4WD Challenge
Space Shooters:
Darius Twin
Gradius III
Harukanaru Augusta
Jumbo Ozaki no Hole in One
Beat 'em Ups/Fighting:
Final Fight
Unlike the NES launch, the Super Nintendo launched with amazing games that are still loved today. While the NES did not have a specific technology to boast about upon release, the Super Famicom was all about the Mode 7. Launch titles like Pilotwings and F-Zero can be seen as showcase items for the technology. The Black Box launch titles for the NES are hardly memorable except for Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, Excitebike, and a few others. With the Sega Genesis taking a bite out of the Nintendo monopolized game industry, the Super Nintendo had much heavier competition in the 16-bit era. In comparison to the first years of the NES, I'm predicting I will be reviewing more great games than poor ones (at least until I get to the Pachinko and Horse Racing games -_-).
Just a heads up: Check Etsy and Google for reproduction carts that use fan-translated roms in them. That way you don't have to emulate and you can play on the SNES hardware. I just bought Star Ocean off etsy for $45. They had Tales of Phantasia and Seiken Densetsu 3 for $35, which I will surely get when I get more money. The first choice that pops up on google is even offering Front Mission for $50. It could be an expensive endeavor, but just wanted to give you the heads up for just in case you really prefer to play on the SNES hardware.